Sunday, February 16, 2020


I went to a Voice Of The Martyrs Conference recently.
It was an amazing day full of singing, stories, and glory to God. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
God reminded me of a few things that day. 
One was that I have become too comfortable. I had slipped into a nice routine of being comfortable with my nice little bubble. I am perfectly fine with never leaving my bubble and risking for the Gospel. Ultimately if I am not stepping out of my comfort zone I'm not growing. 
I am called to Live. Not just live, but Live fully alive. Be sold out for God. Live with a passion for God. Audaciously love others. Risk looking foolish for the sake of the Gospel.
I have a global family. Many of them are hurting. Many of them face persecution. Many of them are discouraged. I want to remember them. I want to pray for them. I want to share their stories.
I've heard a lot of people worry about when persecution is going to come to America. Rarely have I heard someone worrying about the apathy that is so pervasive in our culture. I want to fight against that apathy. The apathy that says I don't have to do anything right now. The apathy that keeps me from reaching out. The apathy that keeps me living a good enough life when God has an adventure waiting for me. 
Its easy to focus on what we don't struggle with and worry about it. It's a lot hard to tackle the sins in our own lives. But friends we must. Fight apathy. We must live happy sold out lives for Christ so that people will ask us who we serve. Let us live lives that are a beautiful picture of His life and love in the world. Whatever God has called you to do, do it with all your might. Live! 

1 comment:

  1. Rose, I'm rereading your older posts here, and I don't know if you even moderate/accept comments on this blog anymore, but you've written a lot of amazing things that I wish I'd commented on at the time. I got to this one and knew I had to. "The apathy that keeps us living a *good enough* life" - you are so right.
    A long time ago, somebody sent me a questionnaire that included the prompt, "What do you want to do before you die?" I answered "I want to LIVE!"
    I forget that too often, because apathy is easy. That doesn't make it right, and it sure doesn't make it the path to true joy.
    As you walk in loving faith through the door God has opened at this time in your life to do exactly what you wrote about here almost a year and a half ago, know I'm praying for you, sis. (and cheering)


New Beginnings

Source I enjoy this time of year. I have a few things that I always try to work into the last week of the year. Things like deep...