But that's not how He's chosen to interact with us. He chooses to be the God who searches us out where we are. He comes to us in the middle of our lostness. When we have lost our identity. When we trampled on boundaries and made ourselves vulnerable. When we cast aside the rules and were left without a compass. The way we wondered left us cold. Yet we kept walking on. Surely there would be warmth and good things just around the next bend. Yet every path, every way, every new thing just led us farther away from God.
Friday, December 27, 2019
The Searching
But that's not how He's chosen to interact with us. He chooses to be the God who searches us out where we are. He comes to us in the middle of our lostness. When we have lost our identity. When we trampled on boundaries and made ourselves vulnerable. When we cast aside the rules and were left without a compass. The way we wondered left us cold. Yet we kept walking on. Surely there would be warmth and good things just around the next bend. Yet every path, every way, every new thing just led us farther away from God.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Christ Is Here!
Friday, December 20, 2019
I'm Grateful For Christmas Lights
Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Prayer
Saturday, November 23, 2019
I Didn't Expect This
Through many different circumstances this year, God has systematically caused me to realize how many expectations I had formed. I expected to be married by now. I expected that I would be able to stay at my job for longer than I did. I expected that friendships would be farther along than they are. I expected that I would be more mature than I am. I expected that I would be able to start volunteering at a hospital again. I expected that I wouldn't be struggling with as many run away emotions as I do. I expected that more of my dreams from my dream book would have happened by now.
All of these disappointed expectations have been hitting me hard lately. I've cried so many tears over the space between what I wish was and what is. I cry out to God over the dreams that feel so far away.
As I have come to Him with tears and heartache, He has reminded me of the second part of what He wanted for me this year. He wanted me to start expecting great things from Him. He has been inviting me to dream about how He can empower me in the present and how He work in my future. He can do more than I can imagine. He can make all my dreams come true or He can use my disappointment to lead me closer to Him. More and more I am seeing that it is when I am brought to my knees in disappointment and discouragement is when God becomes more precious. He becomes my greatest treasure. He becomes my best goal. He becomes all that I need. He becomes my rest. He becomes everything to me.
Does it still hurt? Yes, but I have a better vision of what He is doing. My expectations are beginning to shift. They are being transferred onto the One who will never disappoint me. Hope placed in Him is never in vain. I expect that He will empower me to love audaciously. I expect that He will satisfy my deepest longings and desires in Him. I expect that He will fill my days with meaningful work and enjoyable times. I expect Him to do more than I can imagine. I expect that He can hold me in the pain and in the happiness. I expect that He will take care of me. This is my hope. This is my expectation. This is what my God is able to do.
I also expect to struggle with feelings of disappointment. I'm not perfect yet. Yet I know that in the middle of all of it God will help me. He will comfort me. He will cause my eyes to turn upward.
For now I'm so grateful that He is still at work in my life. He keeps exposing areas that need to be brought into conformity with Christ. That is cause for celebration and thanksgiving.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
My Dad's Work Legacy
Friday, October 25, 2019
Tell Me I'm Okay
Monday, October 14, 2019
Candy, Candy, and Real Food
In the hosile and bussle of today's world its rare that we enjoy let alone sit down for a real gourmet meal.
I'm spoiled that I live in a house full of good cooks. Almost every weekend I or one of my family members will take the time to create a meal masterpiece. Even on week days I usually enjoy a home cooked lunch at my workplace. It tastes so good. It fills me up with good things.
But what if I decided to eat candy all week long? After all it tastes so good. I can pop candy in my mouth all day and enjoy it. Now granted it doesn't fill me up as well, but it tastes better. I get a sugar rush. I have fun, but it doesn't really satisfy.
God reminded me yesterday of how this same principle applies to what I fill up on spirituality throughout the week. I can fill up on entertainment, fluffy music, daydreaming, or playing games on my phone. These things in of themselves aren't sinful. These things can even be a God given way to relax from time to time. But when I spend the majority of my waking hours doing them, it's like the equivalent of eating candy all week. It's fun, but it doesn't satisfy. Worse when I'm feasting on candy, there's no room for real food.
I was convicted that I have been popping a lot of candy lately. It's not horrible or sinful things, but they do take up space that God could fill. Does this mean that I think we all can't do anything that is fun? That there's no room in God's economy for fun things? Absolutely not!
There is steak and potatoes, but there's also chocolate mousse. There is good gifts that God gives us that are meant to be fun and enjoyable. Don't throw them out. But how do we know the difference between enjoying a good gift from God and gorging ourselves on candy that won't satisfy? I would say that a good judge between cheap candy and gourmet chocolate mousse is what it encourages. Does this entertainment encourage you to know Christ more? Does this song encourage you to love as you have been loved? When I finish this activity have I used the time for God's glory?
If I'm honest I can say that I've done both. I've popped candy in my mouth just for the fun of it and I've enjoyed good chocolate mousse. I'm still learning.
How about you? What has your books, movies, games, and music more resembled? Candy or chocolate mousse? Today take some time and ask God about your eating habits. Ask Him what He would have you do. Knowing that He not only spreads out steak dinners, He also serves chocolate mousse. Ask Him to help you fill up on good wholesome food and to know when it's time to enjoy dessert. He will show you, just like He's showing me. Let's do this together.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Scars And Tattoos
Scars on my heart from the past.
Scars from sins.
Scars from memories.
Scars that remind me of things I can't undo.
I wish scars were as cool as tattoos.
If you have a tattoo, many see you as cool.
Many think you are brave.
Tattoos set you apart.
They tell a story.
They share a message.
They mark their owner.
But scars are different from tattoos. Sometimes I have showed others my scars.
Some wince.
Some run.
Some ask questions.
Some want to know what happened.
Some want to know the story.
Because where there is a scar there was once a wound.
There was once pain.
There was once blood.
There was once choas.
But it didn't stay that way.
By God's grace and tender care a change took place.
With time the wound became a scar.
With love the wound lost its sting.
So when I show my scars I can tell a story.
A story of love.
A story of healing.
A story of pain turned to joy.
A story of God.
My scars may never be cool.
But they will be a testemant to God's grace.
So I will continue to show my scars.
Not because they are cool, but because they tell a story of grace.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Truth and Lies
Honestly I don't remember ever struggling with Biblical womanhood. I grew up in a home that valued being a woman and serving God. I realize now how rare this is and am so thankful for the home I have. I have been totally on board with God's veiw of femininity.
Women are called to be keepers at home. Amen!
Women should be good helpers to their husband's. Absolutely!
Women should be submissive. Yes!
Women should be busy, diligent, and hard working for the glory of God and the good of others. Totally.
What I realized is that while I knew all of these truths I got on the wrong track to fulfilling them. I thought my single years were a holding tank where I was waiting for marriage. All of my life was to become focused on preparing for marriage and keeping a home. Every day I was holding my breath waiting for the guy to come along. My life was focused on my marriage dream not on God.
Slowly this messed up perspective ate away my trust in God and joy. I became bitter and self-centered. Marriage became my idol.
Praise God He chooses to work in our lives even when we believe lies. Especially in the last two years He has been remaking my heart to be more like His. He has remained me of the truth. Here's some of what I have learned.
1. I am here to bring Him glory. Everything I do or say is (or should be) to bring Him glory. My life is not my own, it is His.
2. I have a mission. God gave me a mission to love and encourage the Church. That started a long time ago. It doesn't start the moment I get married, it has already begun.
3. I am not in control. My future and anything it might hold has been given into God's hands. Although there are times when I struggle greatly with this reality, it is true. The best thing I can do is pry my hands off my illusion of control and give it to God. I can trust the God of all time with my future.
4. I have been given so much right now. As I look around I see how much God has given me. There is so much to be grateful for.
5. I am right where I am supposed to be. There is a great temptation for me to think that I missed the boat. Maybe if I had tried a little harder or done something different I would have been married by now. But God keeps reminding me that He sees me. He didn't make a mistake. I am right where I should be. I am doing what God has called me to.
Remembering these truths has transformed the way I view life and my future. It makes all the difference.
Today I am so thankful that God and His truths never change. Even when I am being fickle, emotional, or crazy He never changes. He is and always will be God. He is always good and He has been good to me.
Today I can celebrate these truths. I can live them out with joy because of the Ultimate Truth Giver.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
When I was 10 my sister Rebekkah went into the hospital with a collapsed lung and a strep infection that threatened every organ in her body. Less than 12 hours after admitting her, they called my parents in and prepared them for her death.
At home I was making party hats for the party to welcome Rebekkah home. My sister Sarah came in and was befuddled by what I was doing. "It's going to be months if that before she comes home. Why are you making these now?" I don't remember what I answered her. But I remember keeping on making the hats.
Praise God that despite what a lot of doctors told my parents, we got to use those party hats one month later. She came home and recovered well.
Now as I think about those hats 18 years later, I thank God for the gift of hope. A gift that looks rediculous to outsiders. You do crazy things when you are guided by a hope in God. Things that look as silly as making party hats before you know if the party will happen.
But our God is a God of crazy hope. Hope that one day there will be a world without pain. Hope that God will be true to His promises. Hope that the future God has planned will outweigh the pain of the past.
Let those words sink into your soul.
Now what can you do to live out hope? You have been given the gift of hope beyond yourself. Use it today. Start that project. Sing that song with gusto. Dream about a bright future. Walk in the hope that has been given.
Don't be afraid to look funny. Step out and do something expressing hope. Watch and see how it grows your faith.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Like Tamar
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Don't Give Up
Honestly I know I have a great life. Good God, good family, good friends, good place to call home, and so much more. Still it's not where I thought I would be.
I thought I would be married and raising kids by now. With a house of my own and my own ice blue and yellow kitchen (I love my mixer in this color).
Right now that is still a dream and some unexpected problems came up. Hormones seemed out of control. It seemed like so many things were chipping away at my confidence in God's plan. So many things (little annoyances) were making me want to give up. Making me want to pull back. Making me want to stop trying. Making want to stop fighting the war against sin. Making me want to focus more on me and my wants and desires than on God's plan.
It's then that I start hearing voices. Loved ones encouraging me to keep fighting. Friends reminding me of the truth. Best of all in front of me is Christ. Nail-scarred hands encourage me forward. He keeps reminding me that He's got me in the middle of it all. I'm never alone. I can keep pressing on.
By God's grace, I can keep going. Sometimes I'm able to walk tall smelling the roses and enjoy the sunshine. Other times I'm back on my stomach crawling through another battle. But I am still here. I'm still running. I haven't given up. I know the One who calls me is faithful. He will enable me to keep running the race for His glory.
Have you ever had a time when discouragement was eating away at your confidence? What helped you to not give up?
Friday, April 19, 2019
Resurrection Sunday is coming! I'm looking forward to it. This weekend I get to celebrate some timeless truths.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Define Good
Monday, March 11, 2019
Where Frustration Should Lead
I wanted to volunteer at a hospital again. I put in an application. I prayed. I wanted to hold babies again. But I'm having to wait.
I wanted to be on the worship team at church. I wanted to be on stage lending my voice to lead people to God. There wasn't space. I ended up on the media team. In the background. It wasn't a thankless job, but my heart still longed for the stage.
I longed to be an inspirational blogger. To say things that make people think. To be shared. To be noticed. To have lots of comments. Sometimes people do and sometimes people don't. Sometimes it feels like wasted energy.
I have for a long time wanted to be married. To have one that I could love. I long for that attention and for a companion to walk alongside me. Still the singleness persists.
What is God doing in all of this? Is He trying to frustrate me? What is His purpose?
Maybe in all of these disappiontments are meant to point to Christ. Maybe they remind me Who the world really revolves around. The One who holds all things in His hands. The One who is working even in (sometimes especially in) the middle of pain for my good and His glory. Maybe in all of this was meant to show me that there is only One that truly satisfies. There is only One that truly fulfills.
My desires and how they get met is meant to bring honor to God. It is meant to showcase His love and care. It is meant to be His masterpiece of grace. It is all about Him. These desires are meant to propell me to the One who alone can satisfy the deepest cravings of my heart.
Maybe instead of trying to turn the spotlight on me and my desires, I should run to Him. In the middle of all my selfishness and self focus. In the middle of joy and laughter. In the middle of hurt and frustration. In the middle of it all I should cast myself on His mercy. I should remind myself of His worthiness. I should surrender to His touch. I should let Him reshape my desires. I should remember who is really the central focus.
Is this easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes!
Take some time right now. Wherever you are take a moment and let Him in. Remember His worthiness and let Him reshape your desires. He is a good and gracious God. He will do even more than you can imagine. Just let Him in.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Hope Is Real
Monday, February 11, 2019
Choosing to Celebrate
But then a friend sent me a link to this article. https://www.incourage.me/2019/02/i-dare-you-buy-the-flowers.html.
It gave me pause. Hearing someone else confirm that the pain is real, but there's also joy in this season.
It occurred to me that I had a choice.
I could read everyone's Facebook posts and have a pity party, or I could celebrate what God is doing here and now. I could celebrate the love He has given me. I could celebrate the good gifts He has given me. I could switch the focus back where it belongs. I can focus on the Perfect and Holy One. The One who is my Redeemer. The One who is my life and love. That is worth a celebration.
Will you join me? Celebrate what God is doing in your life. Shout it out. Celebrate His love and faithfulness. Enjoy His gifts. Revel in His care. Let's do this!
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Bringing It To Him
New Beginnings
Source I enjoy this time of year. I have a few things that I always try to work into the last week of the year. Things like deep...

Source Today marks 4 years since I was asked out on date. Almost 3 and 1/2 years since I broke up with the same guy who asked ...
source What if death is merely a doorway? What if an end opens the way for a beginning? Wha...
source I went to clean up the latest mess and try to contain my frustration. The day was not going well. I mentally added this l...