Thursday, September 3, 2020

My Running List

I went to clean up the latest mess and try to contain my frustration. The day was not going well. I mentally added this latest problem to the growing list of things that were going wrong today. I was trying to my best and fight my blah mood, but I felt like nothing was getting me out of the blah. Nothing terrible had happened, just a lot of little things kept going wrong.
I took a deep breath. This was wrong. I was wrong. I shook myself and realized that I had been making the wrong list. 
I sat down. It was time to make another list. I started a list of all the things I was thankful for. A list of the things that are true about God no matter what kind of day I'm having.
By the time I was done my perspective had shifted. My day didn't drastically change. There were still some things that annoyed me, but my heart was better for having made a list of things that I'm grateful for.
No matter what your day throws at you, you have an amazing opportunity to be grateful for what God has given you instead of focusing on the bad. You have the chance to refocus on the good. Is it easy? Sometimes no, but it's always better. Let us always overflow with thankfulness for who He is and all that He has given us. Even on bad days there's so much to thank Him for.
So the next time you're having a rough day and are tempted to start making a list of all the things that are going wrong, stop a minute. Start making a list of all the good things in your life. Remember who God is and what He has rescued you from. Shift your eyes to Him. Your day may not change, but you will. 

1 comment:

New Beginnings

Source I enjoy this time of year. I have a few things that I always try to work into the last week of the year. Things like deep...