Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I Hope I Keep Getting Headaches

Recently I've been doing a lot of Bible study. I've been able to have time to study through Simple Seminary and take some Ellerslie online courses as well as read some solid Christian books.
Its been blowing my mind. The concepts and how big our God is give me a headache. I reach a point in my study where I come to the end of my knowledge. My brain is being stretched. My heart is full. So many times I've ended up worshipping God. Then there are the times when I'm listening and have to stop. I feel like my brain is exploding from so much good teaching that it can't fit one more thought in. I stop and worship God where my knowledge comes to an end.
Honestly I hope I keep having these moments throughout my life. Times when I just have to stop and worship the God I can't fully understand (Praise God that I can't). Times when I feel so full of good teaching that I feel like I can't take one more bite. Times when I get headaches from thinking about how amazing God is. 
I'm so thankful that God created us with a capacity to understand and study. Yet we reach a point where knowledge bows the knee in awed worship. 
Let us press ahead in study, not for knowledge sake, but to lead us into worship and relationship with God. He longs for relationship, let us press into it. It's worth the headaches. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! I recently discovered your blog and have really enjoyed reading it!


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