Wednesday, August 26, 2020

29 Random Facts About Me

Its my birthday today. 29 years of God's love and goodness. 
Even though it hasn't been all flowers and rainbows, I'm so thankful for every year. Each year that God has given me has been a gift. Full of adventure, craziness, and life. Every time I look back I can see God's hand working and moving even in the thorny times (many times even more so).
Today is a day of celebration. Here goes 29 random things that you may or may not know about me. 
1. I don't remember the exact day that I was saved. I was so young and for some reason I can't recall the specific day. However I know that when I was very young God called me to be one of His children. He brought me into His kingdom and He keeps growing me and drawing me closer to Himself. 
2. I have a teddy bear collection. 
3. I've gone by many nicknames. Including but not limited to Smurf, Rabbit, elephant, RaRa, Sunshine, and Ruth. 
4. I enjoy bike rides and long walks. 
5. I like pretty much anything chocolate unless it also contains coconut or mint. 
6. My first job was cleaning house for a neighbor. 
7. I drank dog shampoo when I was 3 and lived to tell the tale thanks to my mom.
8. I like flowers. Roses are my favorite (shocker) 
9. I'm not very good at drawing or painting freehand, but if I have lines or a pattern I'm good (coloring pages are my friend). 
10. I've cross stitched my mom a Nativity every year for Christmas for the last 12 years.
11. I enjoy leaving a song every place I go. 
12. I enjoy travel and seeing new places.
13. I've seen the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
14. I'm a 7th generation Texan. 
15. I've listened through my Bible so many times I've lost count.
16. I have seen the fingerprints of God on every part of my story. Even in the hard parts. Whether being excited over a new job, dealing with a loss of a relationship, walking in the sunshine with a good friend, crying over a friend walking away from me, playing in the snow, having a heart to heart talk with a mentor, you name it I can look back and see Him there.
17. I like to play board games. 
18. I'm not competitive. I prefer to work as a team. 
19. I have a bag and purse collection. You can never have too many in my opinion. 
20. I have worked on 4ish short films, and 2 feature films, and done promotion for 1 feature film. 
21. I have a large notebook that I use to dream about what I want to become, trips I want to take, or things that I want to accomplish. I call it my dream journal.
22. Never Give Up is one of my favorite sayings. It encourages me on days when I'm feeling down and want to give up on people or projects. 
23. I'm an avid Sight and Sound Theater fan. 
24. I've taken a spiritual retreat every year for the past 4 years. 
25. I have an ever changing favorite song. 
26. I enjoy sending cards and letters to friends. 
27. You can easily surprise me. I'm either gullible or unsuspecting or maybe a mixture of the two. 
28. I enjoy making people laugh. 
29. I'm 29 and so excited to see what God does with this year. Whatever happens I know it's going to be a wonderful crazy adventure. 


  1. Happy Birthday!! Wow, a 7th generation Texan? I did not know that! Wonderful list. <3
    Hugs and love and prayers your way, sweet friend! :) <3

    1. Thank you so much. God is so good and I'm in awe of His goodness toward me.


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