Thursday, October 31, 2019

My Dad's Work Legacy

This is my dad. He retires today. 
Even before I was born he was working to support our family. Throughout the years he has always been there working hard, doing whatever was needed to provide for us. 
Through all the ups and downs that his jobs have thrown at him I never can recall a time when he complained. He chose through the years to focus on the good and keep pressing ahead. 
My dad didn't work a glamorous or high playing job, but he did his work diligently. Even when he was unemployed for two years, he worked odd jobs to provide for us. He looks to God as our ultimate provider. He always pointed us back to God. 
I thank God for a father who chose to be faithful in his work. He chose to love his family more than having nice things for himself. 
I love you Dad. I can't wait to see how God is going to use this season of your life for his glory and your good. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tell Me I'm Okay

I desperately wanted her to include me in the wedding planning. 
I had just come back to work after my engagement had been broken off. Several ladies at work were preparing to get married. It wasn't like we were good friends, but I really wanted to help. 
For some reason I thought that if they included me in their wedding planning that it would prove that I was okay. It would prove that I wasn't messed up. 
In reality, I was a wreak. I was a very messed up and broken person. I was reeling from the breakup and trying to survive the waves of emotion.
Looking back now I see one thing very clearly. Their inclusion of me would not have fixed what was really wrong with me. I needed God's healing and validation more than I needed someone else to tell me that I was okay. I praise God that He never stopped working. He day by day, moment by moment, tear by tear, worked healing. He reminded me of who I was in Him. He reminded me that He is all I need. 
It's easy for me to think that I need someone to tell me that I'm okay. To ask the opinion of others, or family, instead of going to the God who made me. But ultimately His opinion is the only one that matters. He has already determined my worth on the cross. He has already redeemed my life through His resurrection. He walks with me and validates me. I don't need to seek validation from others. I can seek God in my time of need. I can be raw, honest, and vulnerable. He knows me and will work out His best in me. 
All of this is easier said than done many times. But let's do this together shall we? Instead of going to others let us go to God. Let us trust His love and gain our validation from Him. Ultimately no one else's opinion matters. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Candy, Candy, and Real Food

When was the last time you had an amazing meal? I'm talking steak and potatoes, a gourmet dinner, tender chicken and vegetables.
In the hosile and bussle of today's world its rare that we enjoy let alone sit down for a real gourmet meal.
I'm spoiled that I live in a house full of good cooks. Almost every weekend I or one of my family members will take the time to create a meal masterpiece. Even on week days I usually enjoy a home cooked lunch at my workplace. It tastes so good. It fills me up with good things.
But what if I decided to eat candy all week long? After all it tastes so good. I can pop candy in my mouth all day and enjoy it. Now granted it doesn't fill me up as well, but it tastes better. I get a sugar rush. I have fun, but it doesn't really satisfy.
God reminded me yesterday of how this same principle applies to what I fill up on spirituality throughout the week. I can fill up on entertainment, fluffy music, daydreaming, or playing games on my phone. These things in of themselves aren't sinful. These things can even be a God given way to relax from time to time. But when I spend the majority of my waking hours doing them, it's like the equivalent of eating candy all week. It's fun, but it doesn't satisfy. Worse when I'm feasting on candy, there's no room for real food.
I was convicted that I have been popping a lot of candy lately. It's not horrible or sinful things, but they do take up space that God could fill. Does this mean that I think we all can't do anything that is fun? That there's no room in God's economy for fun things? Absolutely not!
There is steak and potatoes, but there's also chocolate mousse. There is good gifts that God gives us that are meant to be fun and enjoyable. Don't throw them out. But how do we know the difference between enjoying a good gift from God and gorging ourselves on candy that won't satisfy? I would say that a good judge between cheap candy and gourmet chocolate mousse is what it encourages. Does this entertainment encourage you to know Christ more? Does this song encourage you to love as you have been loved? When I finish this activity have I used the time for God's glory?
If I'm honest I can say that I've done both. I've popped candy in my mouth just for the fun of it and I've enjoyed good chocolate mousse. I'm still learning.
How about you? What has your books, movies, games, and music more resembled? Candy or chocolate mousse? Today take some time and ask God about your eating habits. Ask Him what He would have you do. Knowing that He not only spreads out steak dinners, He also serves chocolate mousse. Ask Him to help you fill up on good wholesome food and to know when it's time to enjoy dessert. He will show you, just like He's showing me. Let's do this together.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Scars And Tattoos

I have scars.
Scars on my heart from the past.
Scars from sins.
Scars from memories.
Scars that remind me of things I can't undo.
I wish scars were as cool as tattoos.
If you have a tattoo, many see you as cool.
Many think you are brave.
Tattoos set you apart.
They tell a story.
They share a message.
They mark their owner.
But scars are different from tattoos. Sometimes I have showed others my scars.
Some wince.
Some run.
Some ask questions.
Some want to know what happened.
Some want to know the story.
Because where there is a scar there was once a wound.
There was once pain.
There was once blood.
There was once choas.
But it didn't stay that way.
By God's grace and tender care a change took place.
With time the wound became a scar.
With love the wound lost its sting.
So when I show my scars I can tell a story.
A story of love.
A story of healing.
A story of pain turned to joy.
A story of God.
My scars may never be cool.
But they will be a testemant to God's grace.
So I will continue to show my scars.
Not because they are cool, but because they tell a story of grace.

New Beginnings

Source I enjoy this time of year. I have a few things that I always try to work into the last week of the year. Things like deep...